Things to remember when conducting or attending online class.

Read this blog to learn about things to remember when conducting or attending online classes
Our Japanese classes in Pune started using to conduct online classes right after the Government advisory. Anyone can register to to attend or conduct a meeting. It is free for basic user. We have some suggestions for anyone conducting or attending online classes or conferences:
1. Turn off video when not needed to save bandwidth.
2. Watch out what clothes you wear and what is in your background since you might turn on video thinking you are at home and no one is watching!
3. Ditto for audio. Everyone has enough problems at home and so don’t need to hear yours :-). But in case your kid starts shouting when your audio is on, stay calm! May be introduce your kid to colleagues and go back to meeting.
4. There is a feature to raise hands. Do this if you need to interrupt teacher.
5. Teacher can mute all easily. Also, unmute all or one when she sees hand raised.
6. There a group chat function as well. Use this for sending any files to each other or questions and answers.
7. Teacher can share screen like white board.
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