Read this blog to learn how to validate certificates: addresses a very unique requirement for educational institutes. Please read to know how it saves time and gives confidence to companies about your institute. This solution is a DigiLocker alternative for private class and private company or private entity.
Fair Share conducts many professional courses via its departments like Python Classes in Pune, Laravel-PHP (Shift to IT) and Japanese language courses in Pune. As part of these courses it conducts Python Certification, MySQL Certification and Japanese language Tests and issues certificates to students. Students submit these certificates to companies as a proof. The HR department then calls us to verify authenticity of the certificate. This is time consuming for Fair Share.
We changed the certificate format so that it includes a random unique ID and link to We upload this certificate to before sending it to student.
When companies receive this certificate they do not need to call us. They can copy paste the unique id from certificate at and verify themselves! is thus a unique solution on How to validate certificates
Check this sample document and try yourself